1. Get your Mama and Daddy to take you camping! It is so much fun. The way to have the most fun is to make sure that they do all the work. That's what I did!
2. Pick a fun place to go. We picked Paradise Lakes which is right down the road from us. Make sure your Mama is excited. It helps her to be excited when she is only 5 miles from home. I was really proud of her - she didn't bail on us once!
3. Make sure you go with good friends, like Mr. Charles and Mrs. Polly and their daughter Elizah. "EEEE-WAAAA!" is what I call her.
4. Go with at least one nice dog, but two if you can. Elizah has a cute puppy named Bud, and of course we took Georgia May. They had lots of fun! Their philosophy is the same as mine...let the adults do all work and this adds to your enjoyment of the camping experience.
5. Eat lots of beef jerky and roasted peanuts and marshmallows and get them all over your face and hands.
6. Get so tired that you are crying over nothing. Then Mama will take you to the tent!
7. Get tired of sleeping on your pallet. Grab your Mama and insist on sleeping on top of her to insure that she doesn't get a wink of sleep. This is okay because she would rather work than sleep while camping so that I can have a good time.
8. Wake up at 6 a.m. crying! This is lots of fun. Scream, "I DON'T LIKE THIS TENT!!! I WANT MARSHMALLOWS" and I guarantee you that your Mama and Daddy will take you to the car to sit and warm up.
9. Wear a diaper at all times. It sure beats having to drive to the potty!
10. Stay away from the fire. I heard this at least 50 times during our camping trip. Mama and Daddy, go back to work.
11. Ride in a canoe, but be sure and wear your Scooby Doo life vest!
12. Climb trees and get your nose all bloody. Mix in a runny nose, dirt, and sticky marshmallows and you have the face of a true camper - just like ME!
13. Play with worms that your Daddy is trying to fish with.
14. Take a looooooooooong nap when you get home.
15. ASK TO GO BACK SOON!!!!!!!! :)