Today I went to a party at the Agrirama. I love to go there! It is like walking back in time...but who cares about that...I just like to ride the train and eat ice cream with one of my girlfriends, EMILY!!!! :)
Today I practiced pedaling my John Deere tractor (thank you Grammy and G-Daddy!!!) and wore my John Deere overalls (thank you Uncle Kevin and Aunt Dena!) I am getting good at this!
I had lots of fun with my Papa, Grandbob, Nene, and cousin Grace who came from Mississippi to see us this past weekend. Daddy and Papa worked on our roof...they took some skylights off our sunroom and I had fun watching them up on the roof! Here are some pictures from our weekend!
I had lots of fun TRICK OR TREAKING for the first time! I dressed up like a Bumble Bee and Buzzed around to get lots of candy. My dog Georgia May dressed up like a Bumble Bee, too! We rode in a hay ride around a nice neighborhood with our friends Mrs. Polly, Mr. Charles, and Elizah. I thought I was supposed to go in the houses, and one time I decided to trade my sticky lollipop for a new batch of candy. I didn't think the lady would mind me adding my sucker to her basket of candy, but Mama and Daddy wouldn't let me. Oh well. We went to the Fall Festival, too, and I got on a fun slide and played my own version of lucky ducks! It was a very fun night!