My Mama went to New York City since that's how she wanted to celebrate her 40th birthday (yes, I know you thought she was 30, but surprise, surprise!) with her good friend Angie Stoecker. They did lots of fun things as you will see in these pictures, and this isn't even everything! Maybe Mama will take me with her next time because she said there is lots for little boys to do there, but we are going to Disney World in October and that sounds like more fun to me than some big ole' city!
Rockefeller Center

Mama and Angie went to Good Morning America on Friday morning, August 31 and got to to inside the studio. They saw George Stephanapoulus, Elizabeth Vargas, Wolfgang Puck, and had a picture made with Billy Ray Cyrus (hey, he's famous again now! :)

Absolutely no "touristy" things were included on this trip -

Times Square!

Ground Zero

Mary Poppins on Broadway was a highlight of the trip. Mama says it is the most amazing show she has ever seen!

"Mary Poppins" in Central Park -

Pizza in Little Italy. When you have walked 100 miles in one day you are entitled to a whole pizza: