Sunday, July 27 was a big day for our family as we welcomed Andrey Tokarev from Pskov, Russia to our home! Andrey will be living with us for a year as an exchange student. We picked him up at the Tallahassee airport. Our good friend Laura Reed joined us. Daddy couldn't come as he is on a business trip, but he'll be back Tuesday night. Andrey was very tired after his long travels, but he is so nice and friendly and we are very lucky to have him here with us to introduce him to the United States! We have a lot of fun things we will be doing while he stays with us this year - I can't wait!
First of all, you know I have to throw this picture in....there was a gameroom at the airport and I wanted to try to grap a toy in the "toy grabber" box (Mama says it is a money grabber.) Well guess what. Not only did I grab a toy, but I grabbed the toy I wanted!!!

YEA! Andrey is here! He took a train from his home in Pskov to Moscow, from Moscow flew to Frankfurt then to Washington DC....then to Charlotte, NC....then to Tallahassee, FL where we picked him up!

Welcome Andrey!

I could stand for hours just watching the luggage "pop out" - it was fun watching for Andrey's bag!

At the Governor's Square Mall in Tallahassee.

We ate at the food court in the mall so Andrey could select what he wanted to eat, and he chose Chinese food because he was anxious to try it. He loved it and even tried out the chopsticks.

Here I am DEVOURING a Cinnabon! :)

Andrey carried me on his shoulders on our way out of the mall - I love Andrey!

We had a special welcome basket for Andrey when he arrived.

Putting things in his closet

Andrey is fun to play with!