On Saturday, we went over to our neighbors' pond and did some fishing. Our dog Georgia May went with us (and our cats, Cupcake and Frosting). Andrey caught 3 fish and 1 turtle (that is going to school with him on Monday :) That night we went to Longhorn Steakhouse and Andrey had his first big steak (he loved it :) After that, he and Mama went to see the play "M*A*S*H" at the downtown Tifton theatre. His calculus teacher, Mr. Horst, was in the play!
On Thursday, my Mama came to eat lunch with me at my school, Annie Belle Clark Elementary. When parents come to eat with us, we get to eat at special tables on the "stage" in the lunchroom! I had fun waving to my classmates and I was so happy to have my mother with me :)
On the weekend of September 11-13, we went camping at Stephen Foster State Park at the Okefenokee Swamp. It is about two hours from our home. The campground was beautiful, and we had it mostly to ourselves that weekend!
We had fun biking, playing on the playground, walking on a nature trail (with LOTS of spider webs!) and taking a boat tour of the Okefenokee Swamp. We saw at least SIX alligators!!!! They weren't too close to our boat, though. I sang one of my favorite songs for everyone on the boat...."Country Man." One of my favorite lines is "I can wrestle hogs and gators with my two bare hands!!!"
Andrey got to roast marshmallows for the first time :) and Daddy told some GREAT ghost stories around the fire that night - there was a full moon, too!
Mama said it was a great birthday weekend for her because she got to spend it with her three favorite guys :)
On September 7, I turned SIX! And I had a great birthday weekend! On Saturday we all went to Albany, GA and played at Chuck E. Cheese! It's one of my very favorite places to visit. Andrey, Daddy, and I played the games and Mama kept the tokens safe at the table. We also had some great pizza. I think Andrey is starving to death over here in America! After Chuck E. Cheese, we went to Toys R Us and I got to pick out a toy with some birthday money that I had. Andrey picked out a Nerf Gun for himself (I guess he was jealous that I was getting all the toys that weekend???) :)
After dinner on Sunday, we enjoyed my birthday cake and ice-cream and opened my presents! Our neighbors Mrs. Freda and Lyle came down to join us. I got some great presents, including a Star Wars "light-saver," lots of great books, Kung Fu panda boxing gloves, and lots of other goodies. I had a great time and am so excited to be a "big boy" who is SIX! Thanks to everyone for the wonderful presents :)
Mama says this is probably one of the funniest things I have ever said....I'm sitting with Mrs. Freda - our neighbor who I love so much and she loves me!
Aunt Courtney, Uncle John, Rachel, and John Neil sent me a great present! Thank you so much :)