Thursday, January 29, 2009

Andrey and me

I really have fun with my "big brother" Andrey! We like to be silly together and play outside. I am really enjoying having him here :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Look what Andrey built!

Andrey is very smart and talented. Look what he built in our backyard! Mama and Daddy call it the "Jade Palace." haha We like to balance, swing, and do all sorts of things together out there. Andrey is the BEST!!!!!! :)

A visit to the Agrirama

I love to go to the Agrirama here in Tifton, which is like going back in time to the 1800s and seeing how people used to live. On Friday, January, 9, we ground corn, drew water from a well, went to the one-room classrom and met the teacher, went inside a small log home where ten children were raised, went to the doctor's office and saw "Slim," and of course had some ice cream in the old country store. Andrey really enjoyed it, and it was a beautiful day to go!

YMCA Polar Bear Swim!

For the second year in a row we went to the YMCA New Year's Day Polar Bear Swim. I was smart and stayed out of that 50-something degree water (Mama said I was her Teddy Bear :) but Andrey and Daddy did it. We got there late....and have now learned that an 11:00 a.m. Polar Bear Swim on New Year's Day does NOT last long, so get there on time! But, they still let us do it because my Mama told them Andrey came all the way from Russia and would be very disappointed if he didn't get to be a Polar Bear!!!!

After the Polar Bear swim, we went over to see our friends the Culbreath family, and had lunch with them and some other friends. Andrey and Mama went across the street to wish our Ukrainian friends Happy New Year!

More Christmas, 2008!

Here are some more photos - these are at Grandbob and Papa's house on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning! Mama says to apologize for how bad these pictures are....her battery died on her digital camera (just lovely to happen at Christmas!) so she had to use a disposable camera :( But, oh well, you get the idea....

Santa gets a kiss!

Christmas 2008

Here are some Christmas pictures from 2008! We had a great time in Lucedale, MS with our family and Santa came to see Andrey and me! Mama and Andrey made a quick trip up to Columbus and Starkville and saw Aunt Courtney's Spanish classroom at Columbus High School and Uncle Eric's EYStudios offices in Starkville. They went out to eat Chinese and Mexican food....and Mama had fun helping Aunt Courtney, Rachel, and John Neil decorate Christmas cookies.

"Tim Tebow" "Uncle Bob" "Yuri"