We had a lot of fun at the Yonge Family Reunion on Friday, June 5 in Lucedale, MS. Grammy, G-Daddy, Uncle John, Aunt Courtney, Rachel, John Neil, and lots of cousins, aunts and uncles (some that I didn't even know I had!) were all there! I also got to see Uncle Trey and Aunt Robin and their pretty girls (Alivia is soooooo beautiful!) We had a crawfish boil and everyone enjoyed that (of course I just wanted cupcakes and posicles!) After the reunion, we had a good visit with Grammy, G-Daddy, Nene, and Grandbob in Agricola, and I got to to to Vacation Bible School in Agricola for two days! It was GREAT! Aunt Courtney, Mama, and Uncle Curt went to G-Daddy's Sunday School class at Agricola Baptist Church.

Bible School!