We enjoyed another wonderful July 4th with our friends at Lake Blackshear. We went out on a boat with Mr. Chip, Mrs. Sylvia, Ivey, and Railey, and had a great time - especially when they pulled us on the Big Bertha! Mrs. Charlene always has the most beautiful decorations and food - it is really a treat for everyone. And this year we took Georgia May with us. She was scared to death of the fireworks, but we went out on the boat and enjoyed them from out on the water. I'm proud to be an American :)
Okay, well, while I had all the fun at Kamp Keaton June 21-28 , Mama and Daddy went to somewhere called Hawaii where Daddy had another meeting. I don't know why Mama took over 400 pictures, but of course she can't put them all on MY blog! Besides, how could they have had any fun without me? They went to the island of Kauai and they said it was really beautiful. Daddy got to scuba dive, Mama snorkled and took a helicopter ride, and they went on a kayak trip/hike to a pretty waterfall. Whatever. I'm glad I went to Kamp Keaton :)
I look forward to Kamp Keaton every year! I get to spend a week with my Aunt Courtney, Uncle John, Rachel, and John Neil. We have the best time together, and I always enjoy lots of swimming at their house (and at Slip and Dip :) Rachel even made a cd with lots of pictures on if of all the fun things that we did together. She set it to music and Mama just cried she was so happy seeing it :) Silly women.....Here are some pictures Mama took when we met them in Birmingham at the Galleria Mall, and when they picked me up a week later!