On Friday, October 30, we had a fun Halloween Party in our classroom! My wonderful teacher, Miss Bullington, had a lot of fun things planned. We had tie-died orange pumpkin shirts and everyone wore them to the party. We ate "witches brew," danced to the Monster Mash, and played Autumn bingo.
On Thursday, October 29, our church had a Fall Festival and we stayed the WHOLE TIME!!! It was great - I loved the "dunking booth," balloons, rock-climbing wall, and seeing my friends. Before we went to the Festival I visited Mrs. Alice and Mr. Ray who were so glad to see me and my costume. I love Halloween!!!!
Mama and I went to the Agrirama here in Tifton on Saturday and enjoyed a fun morning riding the big steam train, picking out a pumpkin, getting some ice cream at the general store (I chose a scoop of chocolate with butterscotch topping, whipped cream, and a cherry) That was a pretty great lunch :) We also guessed the weight of the "Great Pumpkin" - I can't wait until Halloween!!!!!!
We went back to Reed Bingham State Park during my fall break from school - we love this camping place and it is very close to our house, too! The lady camping across from us had some really beautiful big white dogs. They made our Golden Retriever Georgia look like a shrimp! haha They are White Pyranese dogs. They came by to play every day - Georgia didn't want us to pay any attention to other dogs!!
Yes, that is correct, you are seeing a Halloween costume. I am going to be Jango Fett from Star Wars and I have already gotten a lot of wear out of my costume :)
I am in the 1st grade choir at our church, First Baptist Church of Tifton. Our choir recently sang for the congregation on Sunday night. It's funny how Mama never notices that any other kids are singing with me...............!