Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
We had a Happy Turkey Day with a visit from Papa, Grandbob, Uncle Kevin, and Aunt Dena. Daddy fried a turkey, and there was of course lots of food to go with it! I had fun going to the movies and saw "The Muppets" with Grandbob, Aunt Dena, and Railey Davis. Mrs. Sylvia and Mama went to see that crazy vampire movie!!!

Goat Show - Albany County Fair
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Halloween Night!
Halloween night was FUN! I went to my dance class and karate class, then we went trick-or-treating. First stop was our usual "haunt" - the house on Florida Drive. It was a CrAzY as ever and had lots of frightening and creepy stuff in the yard. I got my "Ghost Lady popcorn" and then we headed to Mrs. Angie's and Mr. Robin's house. She had some great candy and of course loved my Harry Potter costume. Everywhere we went, people were yelling, "HARRY POTTER!!! HARRY POTTER!!!" :) Then, we went to Forest Lakes Subdivision and guess what...we ran into my classmate at Hogwarts, Hermione Granger! After too much candy and a late night, I did manage to get up this morning for school...just barely!

Monday, October 31, 2011
Halloween Fun at the Georgia Museum of Agriculture
Mama and I had a wonderful time on Saturday, October 29 at the Georgia Museum of Agriculture! We rode the steam train (a.k.a. The Hogwarts Express) and I had a lot of Harry Potter fans who were very happy to see me. I had fun playing with my friends Eli and Donnie -we got ice cream at the general store, explored the corn maze, and had fun swinging on the tire swings. I entered the costume contest, and although I didn't win, my Mama will tell you there's not a cuter Harry Potter any where to be found! :)

Have you ever met a toaster before?!

Have you ever met a toaster before?!

FBC Fal Festival
Monday, October 24, 2011
Tift County Junior Livestock Show
I showed all three of my goats on Friday night at the Tift County Junior Livestock Show....and guess what! I won first place with Gabby and Tiffany and second place with Sharpei! It was a very exciting night! Both Gabby and Tiffany were in the final round for Grand Champion and Reserve Champion, so my friend Matthew Crumley helped by showing Gabby while I showed Tiffany. We have an awards banquet on Tuesday night when I will get my money for winning. I sure am proud of my ribbons..and I love showing goats!

A weekend at the beach
During my fall break, Mama Daddy and I spent the weekend with our friends Ms. Angie and Mr. Robin at their house in Seagrove, Florida. We had a lot of fun - one of my favorites was hunting for ghost crabs at night! Mr. Robin and I also danced around in the living room, and I got to meet two new friends! They are from Russia just like me - Tanni and Brayden are from Vladivostock. Their parents are friends with Ms. Angie and Mr. Robin, and their "Aunt Darlene" was also visiting for the week. We had a great time going out to supper and getting to know each other :)

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