Wednesday, June 26, 2013


A great thing about homeschooling is that we can begin learning a foreign language when we are ready!  We have Rosetta Stone and I have started my Spanish lessons. Mama is helping me/learning along with me.There are a lot of Hispanic people where we live, and we are hoping to have different opportunities to use our new language skills!  Adios!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hip Hop Camp!

In addition to VBS this week, I loved going to Hip Hop Camp with J J Jackson at the Tift Theatre.  Here are some pictures and a video of my performance.   (Mama apologizes for having her camera at the wrong angle and we - well most of us - look like ghosts!)  I am in the middle of the front row!

Bible School buds

What a great week!!  We had VBS at First Baptist - our theme was "Dare to be a Daniel."  We had our friends Uy and Isaak over to play on Thursday.  Isaak spent Wednesday night with us, and rode home with us each day after Bible School.  Love my friends!

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Grant's birthday at the pond house

I just looooove birthday parties!  My friend Grant Matthews had a super-great one!  We spend the night at his family's pond house, then got up the next morning to go fishing and swimming in the pond.  I especially loved jumping off the deck into the pond....!  Mr. Craig cleaned our catch and served it up for lunch, along with hot-dogs and leftover giant birthday cookie.  Fun times!