My Mama and I went with Daddy to Athens, GA on one of his trips and had a great time! For those of you who don't know, Athens is the home of the University of Georgia and is one great town! One of my favorite things was the chocolate chip cookies in the lobby of the hotel every afternoon. That was GREAT! And, I liked saying hello to all the nice people who checked into the hotel while we were having our snack. We also went to a beautiful park that had birds and wildlife to see. I added my own touch of wildlife to the place :) Here are some pictures from our trip. The girls you see were at the banquet we went to on Saturday night - they thought I was SO CUTE and told me I was a CHICK MAGNET!!!!! heehee
The first picture is one of me listening to "my" IPOD and my favorite song: BATMAN!!!!!!!!!

Here is my Mama's current favorite picture of me :)

Here are pictures of us at Bear Hollow Wildlife Trail! Check out the bald eagle! My G-Daddy says........
You can't soar with the eagles during the day if you hoot with the owls at night. We saw some owls, too, but I like the Eagle the best :)

CHICK MAGNET pictures! Apologies to my girlfriend Julia - I'm sorry Julia, I promise I love you the most :)

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